Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Key Features

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Competitive Interest

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Tax Advantages1

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Debit Card

Are you enrolled in a high-deductible health insurance plan? Prepare for qualified medical expenses with an FVSBank health savings account (HSA) in Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Waupun, or the Fox Valley area? With an HSA, you can afford to make your health a priority. Enjoy tax advantages, earn interest on your funds, and conveniently make payments with a debit card.

What To Know About HSAs

Wondering if a Health Savings Account is right for you? Check out the complete list of details for this account:

  • Greater personal control over healthcare management and expenses
  • Prepare for qualified medical expenses
  • Earn interest above standard savings
    • Maintain a minimum daily balance of $50 each day to obtain disclosed APY
  • An HSA provides triple tax savings:
    • Tax deductions when you contribute to your account
    • Tax-free earnings through investment
    • Tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical, dental, vision expenses, and more1
  • Contributions are tax-free and can be made by you, your employer, or a third party
  • Avoid the $4 monthly service fee by doing one of the following:
    • Maintain direct deposit of income; or
    • Open a relationship checking account, or
    • Link this account to a Certificate of Deposit or loan of $2,500 or more
  • Unused funds remain in account year after year; no “use it or lose it” policy
  • Keep your HSA in your name, regardless of career or life changes
  • FVSBank HSA Debit Card included
  • $25 enrollment fee
  • $50 minimum deposit to open

1 Consult a tax advisor.

What is a health savings account and how does it work?

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged account to help people with high deductibles save for out-of-pocket medical expenses. HSAs offer a triple tax advantage: contributions are not taxed, earnings from interest are not taxed, and distributions are also tax-free. Your HSA balance rolls over from year to year and you can keep it even if you change employers or health plans.

Open A New HSA Account Online

Complete our online form for a new personal account opening. One of our bankers will be in touch within one business day to help you complete the process. Questions? Visit your nearest location in Wisconsin or contact us.